On June 15th 2023, 10th Tutorial was conducted by team ICanCaRe, around 22 members attended the same.
The primary discussion was about the question asked by Mrs. Sonal Bhatia about the medicament and cessation protocol for a patient who is a continuous Gutkha Chewer, whether to go for Behaviour modification and medications simultaneously or not?
This question was very well discussed by the CTCS members including Dr Aruna, Dr Varsha, and others. Dr. Pawan Gupta told about the medication and behavior modifications in detail for an SLT patient.
It was a great practical learning experience about the effects of tobacco chewing on body physiology and about tobacco de-addiction using medications including NRTs and other drugs.
We would like to encourage people to take part in our monthly session and learn in-depth details about practical tobacco cessation through cases discussed here. Tutorial for Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialists is a monthly program on the 15th, 9-10 PM. We welcome our CTCS to present complex cases on tobacco cessation for discussion and finding solutions for successful quitting. Please contact Dr. Mariya, Dr Siddhi, or Dr. Monalee for cases for tutorials.
After the discussion, the program for conducting Tobacco Con organized by the ICanCaRe foundation and team, was discussed by Mrs. Shruti Agarwal and Guided by Dr. Pawan Gupta Sir.
Stay tuned for more information regarding the Tobacco Con which would be a bomb of information and surprises.
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