Teachers as Anti – Tobacco Marshal

Tobacco use is one of the leading causes of preventable death and disease in the world. According to the World Health Organization, tobacco kills more than 8 million people each year, and more than 7 million of those deaths are the result of direct tobacco use while around 1.2 million are the result of non-smokers being exposed to second-hand smoke.

India is the highest consumer of tobacco in the WORLD – it has the highest Oral Cancers and the highest death due to tobacco every day. With about 5500 youths starting tobacco every day and 3700 die every day. A Sustained activity at the school level will bring a change in society.

Tobacco use also harms the environment, contributing to deforestation, soil erosion, water pollution, and climate change. Moreover, tobacco use imposes a huge economic burden on society, as it increases health care costs, reduces productivity, and lowers the quality of life of smokers and their families.

To combat this global health threat, we need to mobilize all sectors of society, including educators. Teachers play a vital role in shaping the attitudes and behaviors of young people, who are the most vulnerable to the influence of tobacco industry marketing and peer pressure. Teachers can also serve as role models for their students by not using tobacco themselves and by promoting a tobacco-free culture in their schools and communities.

That is why we are launching a new initiative called TEACHERS as ANTI – TOBACCO MARSHAL. This initiative aims to empower teachers to become agents of change in the fight against tobacco. By joining this initiative, teachers will receive training and resources on how to educate their students about the harms of tobacco use, how to help them resist tobacco initiation and quit if they already use it, and how to advocate for tobacco control policies at the local and national levels.

Teachers joining this initiative will also become part of a network of like-minded educators who share best practices and experiences on implementing effective tobacco prevention and cessation programs in their schools. They will also have the opportunity to participate in various events and activities that celebrate their achievements and recognize their contributions to the tobacco control movement.

If you are a teacher who wants to make a difference in the lives of your students and your community, we invite you to join TEACHERS as ANTI-TOBACCO MARSHAL today. Together, we can create a tobacco-free generation and a healthier world for everyone.

Join the ICanCaRe Tobacco MARSHAL program – mail to tobaccomarshal@gmail.com

Welcome April batch of tobacco Marshals to the family of ICanCaRe


Training dates – 20.4.2022 and 21.4.2022

Training of the APRIL 2023 batch of Tobacco MARSHAL under the leadership of Mrs. Sonal Bhatia and Mrs. Pravesh Singh and guidance of Dr. Pawan Gupta Founder ICanCaRe was conducted online on the 20th and 21st of April 2023.

The batch consisted of senior Inner Wheel Members District 307,310,315,312

Dant Pari and Moradabad teachers, Rotarians, and doctors as well.

The training “BASIC COURSE IN TOBACCO CONTROL” 8R principles was imparted by the ICanCaRe Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialists – Mrs. Sonal Bhatia, Dr. Reena R Kumar, Dr. Ranjeeta and Dr. Rajkumari Sachdeva and Dr. Pawan Gupta.

4 hours of intensive discussion 2 hours each day covered the 8R aspects of Tobacco and empowered each of the participants as TOBACCO MARSHALs.

Dr. Shweta K Javali and Dr. Neeru who are running a dental assistant program for rural girls as DANTPARI included the second batch of Dant PAries to be tobacco MARSHAL. 9 Dant Paries who participated in the program were very much interactive and wished to do more to influence people against tobacco in rural areas.

The training included the communication skill to influence a person to quit tobacco.

TOBACCO MARSHAL is an influencer: – HERO to SAVE the youth

· MOTIVATE #besmartdonotstart

· ADVISE to #quittobacco

· RECOGNISE #chotadaana #SMF #TrisCaRe

· SENSITISE to #becarefulandfearful

· HANDHOLD to #SAVEtheYouth in need

· ADD to network for #knowtobacco

· LEAD the change for #TobaccofreeZones

§ Tobacco MARSHAL is a prestige and a recognition of personal social responsibility.

§ ICanCaRe Academy certifies Tobacco MARSHALs with a structured “BASIC COURSE IN TOBACCO CONTROL”, empowers them with the knowledge, and equips them with resources to act and communicate wisely in society creating units of tobacco-free zones.

The MARSHALS will be provided with the Course Certificate, Badges, caps, and materials to talk with power in their area.

ICanCaRe welcomes the new batch of tobacco MARSHALs to the family of ICanCaRe.

To join as Tobacco MARSHAL register – https://www.icancare.in/academy/MARSHAL

#icancare #icancareacademy #tobaccomarshal #innerwheel #dantpariofficial #pawangupta #sonalbhatia #shwetakjavali




§ Register online – http://www.icancare.in/academy/marshal

EMAIL – tobaccomarshal@gmail.com

Contact – Mrs. Sonal Bhatia

Leader – Tobacco MARSHAL

WA – 9639553069, 9917475401

Dr. Ranjeeta (Academy) – +91 99026 27143

Sohan(office) – 89298 82724

ICanCaRe Quitline – 011-43077695


Inner Wheel District 315 launches Women as Tobacco Marshal

Inner Wheel District 315 launches WOMEN AS TOBACCO MARSHAL

Mrs. Sonal Bhatia, Tobacco MARSHAL leader, introduced “WOMEN as Tobacco MARSHAL” in the Inner Wheel District 315 as part of #SAVETHEYOUTH campaign by ICanCaRe.

District Chairman Mrs. Leela Chandhwani called an online meeting with her district Presidents and Members on “WOMEN AS TOBACCO MARSHALS TO SAVE THE YOUTH” and introduced the concept of Tobacco MARSHALs on 17th March 2023.

40 Presidents and members attended the program.

Dr. Pawan Gupta M.Ch. Founder ICanCaRe and Director of MAX Hospital Delhi said women are the greatest sufferer because of tobacco. The tobacco industry is targeting women in the name of liberation. As primary users, women suffer more than the man. And in this case, as a woman is married to a tobacco user her life is in total topsy turvy. Women suffer the most, and in the present era, they can be the savior of the present and the future generation. Every woman should be empowered as a tobacco MARSHAL to save herself, her family, future generation, and society from the painful prolonged suffering and death due to tobacco.

Mrs. Sonal Bhatia, leader of Tobacco MARSHAL a great motivator and who achieved a target of 1000 tobacco MARSHAL in 5 months during her tenure as DC of 310 was greatly appreciated for her pioneering work as a Tobacco Marshal along with her members. Her unique endeavor to reach out to the rural areas and create sensitization followed by training of 550 tobacco MINI-MARSHALs of NCC girls from the rural background was applauded and sought to be used as an example to follow by all to increase our reach and penetration in the most needed areas in our country.It is important for capacity building, to get more and more girls and women involved as Tobacco MARSHALs or MINI-Emirati Marshals to widen the campaign. (https://www.facebook.com/groups/icancare/permalink/1015483439099535/)

Sonal said, “women can become the shakti against Tobacco by commitment and empowerment by training”.

Mrs. Neelima Jhunjhunwala, President, of the Inner Wheel Club of Guntur Udhaan, was proud to be the first tobacco MARSHAL of IW district 315 and motivated a group of members from her club to be MARSHAL. The group has been conducting programs as MARSHALs in Guntur. “AS MARSHALS WE HAVE BEEN WELCOMED IN SCHOOLS AND HAVE GOT SUPPORT FROM GOVERNMENT AUTHORITIES. IT IS A PRESTIZE TO BE A TOBACCO MARSHAL”. She stressed training as MARSHAL empowers them to talk with knowledge.

Tobacco MARSHAL is a responsibility – they

  • MOTIVATE to #besmartdonotstart
  • ADVISE to #quittobacco
  • RECOGNISE #chotadaana #SMF #TrisCaRe
  • SENSITISE to #becarefulandfearful
  • HANDHOLD to #SAVEtheYouth in need
  • ADD to network to #knowtobacco
  • LEAD the change for #TobaccofreeZones

One can become a tobacco MARSHAL by registering at http://www.icancare.in/academy/marshaland getting trained in “BASIC COURSE IN TOBACCO CONTROL” based on the *8R* principles of tobacco control by experts in the field and faculty of ICanCaRe.

Mrs. Leela stressed that tobacco is omnipresent, and it is important that inner wheel members come forward to tame the tambaku-asur. Motivated she urged her presidents to join hands with ICanCaRe to promote Tobacco Control – SAVE the youth from Tobacco and build manpower to work towards the tobacco endgame.

Members expressed their enthusiasm to become TOBACCO MARSHAL and SAVE the youth from the menace of tobacco.

Mrs. Parma Sarma expressed her full support to carry on this project. She is in the media and would be able to create an impact on society.

Mrs. Maya Chandwani PDC said this topic is very close to her heart and she urged others to join the cause.

The participants interested in the subject evoked numerousquestions. To a question on how can MARSHAL act and change Dr. Pawan Gupta said that each MARSHAL is important, that they start tobacco control from home and go on to increase the area of influence in society.

Mrs. Sonal Bhatia expressed her gratitude as her wish to achieve 10000 tobacco MARSHALS gains momentum with the inner wheel district joining her in her mission to SAVE the youth- NO ONE SHOULD DIE BECAUSE OF TOBACCO.

It is really heartening to note that district 315 of Inner Wheel is involved with District Chairman, Mrs. Leela Chandwani is all set in taking the lead. She assured that more and more members will get involved.

1. To become a tobacco MARSHAL one has to register on www.icancare.in/academy/marshaland pay a fee of Rs.1450/-. The course would be conducted by experts as per guidelines that will be followed for a standardized and timely upgraded course by ICanCaRe.

2. Knowledge – 4 hours of live interaction in 2 hours sessions. 8 modules. By experts.

3. The Topic will contain the following encompassing the following requirements: RELEVANCE, RISK, REWARDS, ROADBLOCKS, RECOGNITION, RESPOND, REFER, and RESPONSIBILITY

The journey has become for the NARI SHAKTI to end the menace of tambaku-Ashur

#innerwheel #innerwheel315 #innerwheel310 #sonalbhatia #Leelachandhwani #praveshsingh #pawagupta #reenarkumar #tobaccomarshal #icancare #womenhealthinitiative #womenhealth #tobaccomarshal #savetheyouth #icancareacademy