20th Tutorial for Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialist

The 20th tutorial for Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialists took place on APRIL 15th, 2024, Dr. Anshika Pandey as lead presenter. 21 CTCS participated.

Agenda Highlights:

1.     Case of the month: Shared by Dr. Anshika Pandey. The team guided the approach using the ICanCaRe app, emphasizing the ABCD of tobacco cessation. The discussion was on the relapse of a patient associated with night driving.

2.     Special Medication Pricing: Information about exclusive pricing for tobacco-related medications in clinic settings for Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialists was shared to enhance treatment accessibility.

3.      ICanCaRe in various forums: Through the extension of contacts and representations of our CTCS –

  • Activities of Dr. Reena R Kumar, Dt. Sonal Bhatia, Dr Anshika Pandey and Dr. D S Aruna on occasion of ORAL HEALTH day was highlighted.
  • Dt. Sonal Bhatia working with tobacco MARSHALs and sensitization program at Moradabad.
  • MOU with Santosh University for capacity building, research, centre of excellence etc was signed on 14th March 2024.
  • New CTCS brochures for 2024 and courses announced. In the new brochure, the following two points have been added – anyone wanting to be an observer for the course and for reassessment is now possible with a small number of fees. New batch will be starting on MAY – JUNE 2024
  • Mrs. Sonal Bhatia and Dr. Pravesh Singh invite everyone to join SYNC-ENERGY, a holistic health approach by ICanCaRe completing six months.
  • Community Engagement and Advocacy: Emphasis was placed on self-promotion and advocating tobacco cessation in the community and among fellow healthcare professionals. The #advisequittobacco and save the youth campaign by ICanCaRe were focal points. Participating in the Educational Blogs and various ICanCaRe forums.
  • ICanCaRe Acknowledgment: Dr Pawan Gupta stressed the importance of CTCS acknowledging ICanCaRe in all presentations, online and offline. Dr. Pawan Gupta suggested that ICanCaRe will extend support in form of scholarships for any representations in various forums. Additionally, it was decided to create an ICanCaRe template for various occasions for our CTCS to use in their social media. Members requested a unified presentation for community outreach based on the SAVEtheYouth campaign.

The monthly ICanCaRe Academy Tutorial for CTCS was praised for providing a platform to discuss complex cases and find solutions for successful tobacco cessation. The program, held on the 17th of each month from 9-10 PM, encourages active participation. Those interested in submitting cases or obtaining further information can contact Dr. Mariya, Dr. Siddhi Hathiwala, Dr. Anshika, or Dr Abhishek Bhadranna. Aspiring CTCS professionals can explore the certification process at www.icancare.in/academy/ctcs.

 Summary of the 20th ICanCaRe Tutorial for Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialists

The 20th tutorial for Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialists took place on MARCH 15th, 2024, Dr. Anshika Pandey as lead presenter. 21 CTCS participated.



Stay connected with ICanCaRe Academy on social media using #icancareacademy #icancaretutorial #icancare #siddhi #pawangupta #CTCS #icancare #mariya #anshikapandey #abhishekbhadranna.

Science behind Tobacco Addiction and Cessation at The IPS Science Talk

Dr. Pawan Gupta M.Ch at the 13th Indian Photobiology Society Science Talk

It was a great opportunity to talk on the SCIENCE BEHIND TOBACCO ADDICTION AND CESSATION to the scientific community at the 13th virtual Talk in the ‘Indian Photobiology Society Science Talk’ on 30th March, 2024 (Saturday) at 7.00 PM (IST).

QUITTING TOBACCO IS A CHALLENGE! QUITTING TOBACCO IS A SCIENCE!!! People quit to relapse. Tobacco is the most dreaded disease of the present time, killing 8 million people every year. In a recent survey (data being analyzed in detail) conducted by me on the prevalence and willingness to quit tobacco amongst doctors, it was found that most doctors despite the knowledge about tobacco, failed to quit tobacco. Extrapolating the same for the general population it is understood that the quit rate is dismal. There has to be an understanding of how to improve the quit rate.

Tobacco addiction is now recognized as a disease, with its own pathology. Like any other disease, a scientific approach to understanding its intricacies is essential for effective treatment and cessation strategies. Organizations, ICanCaRe have been at the forefront, developing digitalized scientific interventions that address the social, psychological, and physical aspects of tobacco addiction through the ABCD holistic intervention model, leading to successful outcomes. However, further study and standardization of intervention models are crucial for achieving a mass effect and widespread impact with successful outcome.

The Science behind tobacco addiction and cessation is for understanding the intricacies and involvement of a scientific cessation process aiming to unravel its complexities and pave the way for a more scientific approach to a successful cessation processes.

Prof. Nitin Chattopadhyay, President, Indian Photobiology Society presided over the meeting and C. Sinha, Secretary, Indian Photobiology Society & Professor, Department of Chemistry, Jadavpur University, Kolkata; M-7044231277 conducted the meeting.


Dr. Pawan Gupta MS. (Gen Surgery), M.Ch. (Surgical Oncology), FAIS, FSOG, CTCS

Sr. Director, Surgical Oncology, MAX Institute of Cancer Care, EZ- Delhi NCR

Founder – ICanCaRe Tobacco Wellness Program, ICanCaRe Academy

Mob: 9811290152



19th ICanCaRe Tutorial for Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialists

 Summary of the 19th ICanCaRe Tutorial for Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialists

The 19th tutorial for Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialists took place on MARCH 15th, 2024, with Dr. Anshika Pandey as the lead presenter. 28 CTCS participated. It was also an occasion to welcome our new CTCS.

Agenda Highlights:

1.     Case of the month: Shared by Dr. Mustaffa and Dr. Mallikarjuna. The team guided the approach using the ICanCaRe app, emphasizing the ABCD of tobacco cessation.

2.     Special Medication Pricing: Information about exclusive pricing for tobacco-related medications in clinic settings for Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialists was shared to enhance treatment accessibility.

3.      ICanCaRe in various forums: Through the extension of contacts and representations of our CTCS –

  • Dr. GARIMA SARAWGI was excited to start the Centre for Excellence for promoting tobacco Cessation and creating a team to promote the same in Odisha. 9 of the team members have been given scholarships for OCTC. A special tobacco cessation task force is being created for odisha under the leadership of Dr Garima
  • Dr Mustaffa for capacity building in Tamil Nadu. He is pushing the cause to a great extent.
  • Activities of Dr Syeda Arshiya, Dr. Jyotsna Seth, Dr. Reena R Kumar, Dt. Sonal Bhatia on the occasion of Women’s Day was highlighted.
  • Dt. Sonal Bhatia working with tobacco MARSHALs and a sensitization program at Moradabad.
  • International Women’s Day celebration with IDA East Delhi with the presence of Dr Meera Verma, President International College of Dentistry, Women Dental Council on 13 th March at MAX with DR Reena pitching for the ICanCaRe program to be included.
  • MOU with Santosh University for capacity building, research, center of excellence etc was signed on 14th March 2024.
  • New CTCS brochures for 2024 and courses announced. In the new brochure, the following two points have been added – anyone wanting to be an observer for the course and for reassessment is now possible with a small number of fees. New batch will be starting on MAY – JUNE 2024
  • Mrs. Sonal and Dr. Pravesh Singh invite everyone to join SYNC-ENERGY, a holistic health approach by ICanCaRe completing six months.
  • Community Engagement and Advocacy: Emphasis was placed on self-promotion and advocating tobacco cessation in the community and among fellow healthcare professionals. The #advisequittobacco and save the youth campaign by ICanCaRe were focal points. Participating in the Educational Blogs and various ICanCaRe forums.
  • ICanCaRe Acknowledgment: Dr Pawan Gupta stressed the importance of CTCS acknowledging ICanCaRe in all presentations, online and offline. Dr. Pawan Gupta suggested that ICanCaRe will extend support in form of scholarships for any representations in various forums. Additionally, it was decided to create an ICanCaRe template for various occasions for our CTCS to use in their social media. Members requested a unified presentation for community outreach based on the SAVEtheYouth campaign.

The monthly ICanCaRe Academy Tutorial for CTCS was praised for providing a platform to discuss complex cases and find solutions for successful tobacco cessation. The program, held on the 17th of each month from 9-10 PM, encourages active participation. Those interested in submitting cases or obtaining further information can contact Dr. Mariya, Dr. Siddhi Hathiwala, Dr. Anshika, or Dr Abhishek Bhadranna. Aspiring CTCS professionals can explore the certification process at www.icancare.in/academy/ctcs.

Stay connected with ICanCaRe Academy on social media using #icancareacademy #icancaretutorial #icancare #siddhi #pawangupta #CTCS #icancare #mariya #anshikapandey #abhishekbhadranna.
