Tobacco Awareness Session at Prometheus School, Noida – February 12, 2025

🚭 Tobacco Awareness Session at Prometheus School, Noida – February 12, 2025

A powerful awareness session was conducted at Prometheus School, Noida, engaging 200 students in a critical discussion on the dangers of tobacco and vaping.

🔹 Organized by the Interact Club, led by Samaera Rana and Arush, the event was chaired by Mr. Mukesh Sharma, Chairman of the institution.
🔹 The session emphasized a zero-tolerance approach towards all forms of tobacco use, including vaping.
🔹 As a recognition of her leadership in promoting the cause, Samaera Rana was honored with the Tobacco MARSHAL Cap, Badge, and Mug by Akansha Sethi.

The message was clear: Say NO to tobacco and vaping – for a healthier future! 🚫🚭

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Smokers with diabetes and hypertension at higher risk of Cardiovascular events

“Smokers with diabetes and hypertension at higher risk of Cardiovascular events”. – ICanCaRe


I continuation of our previous blog article on the risk of smoking and diabetes type 2, a recent article on a link of CVD with diabetes, highlights the need for a comprehensive smoking cessation program for such patients.

In the complex landscape of managing type 2 diabetes, the link between blood pressure levels and cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality has emerged as a critical focal point. A recent study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association delves into the intricate relationship between systolic and diastolic blood pressure (BP) levels and their impact on mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes. The findings, drawn from a multi-institutional diabetes registry in Singapore, underscore the urgency for comprehensive interventions like ICanCaRe to address the cardiovascular risks associated with type 2 diabetes.

Unraveling the Study’s Objectives:

Led by Loraine Liping Seng and her colleagues, the study aimed to unravel the correlation between systolic and diastolic BP levels and the risk of CVD mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes. Additionally, the study explored associations with all-cause mortality, the composite outcome of all-cause mortality and CVD hospitalization, and the composite outcome of CVD mortality and hospitalization due to specific cardiovascular events such as myocardial infarction (MI), heart failure (HF), stroke, bypass surgery (CABG), and percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI).

The Singaporean Perspective:

Utilizing data from a multi-ethnic Asian patient pool – Chinese, Malay, and Indian – the study delved into a rich repository of information encompassing primary care to hospital-based care. The comprehensive analysis included 83,721 patients with type 2 diabetes over a span of seven years. Notably, almost 80% of the participants were on antihypertensive treatment, highlighting the prevalence of the condition in this population.

Key Findings and Implications:

The study’s primary outcome revealed a notable association between clinic systolic BP of 130 mm Hg or higher and/or diastolic BP of 90 mm Hg or greater with an increased risk of CVD mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes. Intriguingly, adverse cardiovascular outcomes were also paradoxically linked to diastolic blood pressure levels below 70 mm Hg. While the authors acknowledge the potential influence of reverse causality, the study emphasizes the importance of maintaining systolic BP below 130 mm Hg and diastolic BP below 90 mm Hg in individuals with type 2 diabetes.

ICanCaRe: A Holistic Approach to Cardiovascular and diabetic Health:

In light of these findings, the ICanCaRe Tobacco Intervention program takes center stage as a holistic approach to address the multifaceted challenges posed by type 2 diabetes. Recognizing the intricate interplay between cardiovascular health, diabetes, and other lifestyle factors, ICanCaRe empowers individuals to make informed choices and adopt a comprehensive approach to well-being. The ICanCaRe program is designed to offer personalized support to individuals seeking to quit Tobacco. Understanding that each journey is unique, the program tailors its strategies to meet each participant’s specific needs and challenges. ( Medical assistance in a protocol-based approach is provided by Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialists. This multi-faceted ABCD approach for tobacco cessation ensures that individuals have access to all necessary resources to 100% quit smoking or Chewing tobacco.


As the nexus between type 2 diabetes, blood pressure levels, and cardiovascular risks becomes clearer, interventions like ICanCaRe gain significance in the realm of patient care. By integrating the latest research findings into its framework, ICanCaRe supports tobacco cessation, guiding individuals through the complexities of managing diabetes and promoting cardiovascular health. In a world where data illuminates the path to better outcomes, the ICanCaRe program becomes an invaluable tool in the fight against the complications of type 2 diabetes with increased risk with smoking, offering a lifeline to those seeking a healthier, more empowered future.


  1. Loraine Liping Seng, et al. Real-world systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels and cardiovascular mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes-results from a large registry cohort in Asia. J Am Heart Assoc. 2023 Nov 28:e030772. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.123.030772.
  2. World Health Organization, International Diabetes Federation, and the University of Newcastle. “Policy Brief on Smoking and Type 2 Diabetes.” This brief offers a comprehensive overview of the research linking smoking cessation to a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes.
  3. ICanCaRe. “Tobacco Cessation Program Overview.”
  4. American Diabetes Association. “The Impact of Smoking on Diabetes and Diabetes Management.” This article discusses the implications of smoking on diabetes management and the benefits of cessation.
  5. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. “Smoking and Diabetes.” This resource offers a deeper understanding of how smoking affects diabetes risk and control.
  6. ICanCaRe. (2021). ABCD of Tobacco Cessation.

#icancare #diabetesandSmoking #smoking #quittobacco #icancareapp #CVDandsmoking

Unlock Wellness: Solutions to Your Health Challenges

Online Wellness Seminar Hosted by Max Institute of Cancer Care, Vaishali and Rotary Clubs

**Event Title**: Unlock Wellness: Solutions to Your Health Challenges

**Date**: November 25, 2023


– Rotary Club of Delhi Preet Vihar (President Rtn. Emili Munshi, Contact: 9873335016)

– Rotaract Club of SBSEC (President Rtr. Aman Rawat, Contact: 9718227284)

**Chief Guest**: Dr. Pawan Gupta M.Ch., Senior Director and Cancer Surgeon, MAX Hospital, Vaishali

**Session Conductor**: Dr. Annu Kanojia


On November 25, 2023, an enlightening online health session titled “Unlock Wellness: Solutions to Your Health Challenges” was conducted, garnering the participation of 62 individuals. The session, led by renowned cancer surgeon Dr. Pawan Gupta M.Ch. from MAX Hospital, Vaishali focused on strategies for maintaining health and preventing cancer.

Key Highlights:

1. **Promoting Healthy Eating Habits**:

   – Avoidance of tobacco and alcohol.

   – Adherence to a balanced diet rich in nutrients.

2. **Adopting a Healthy Lifestyle**:

   – Importance of meditation for mental health, specifically Sync Energy Pranayam.

   – Regular exercise for physical fitness and weight management.

3. **Regular Health Care and Monitoring**:

   – Emphasis on regular self and clinical check-ups.

   – Advocacy for immunization, such as HPV vaccines.

   – Safe exposure to sunlight for Vitamin D, while being cautious of skin cancer risks.

The discussion revealed that tobacco use is a major cause of cancer, leading to a collective desire among participants to combat tobacco addiction and become “Tobacco Marshals” to influence societal change.

Dr. Gupta emphasized the feasibility of quitting tobacco with proper support, highlighting MAX Vaishali’s pioneering tobacco wellness program. He also demonstrated practical self-examination techniques for early cancer detection, including the 4-finger test and Chota Daana examination for oral cavity assessment, and introduced the TRISCaRe mouth opener device.

Mrs. Sonal Bhatia, National Leader Tobacco MARSHAL and PDC Inner Wheel 310 emphasized her mission to “SAVE the youth – NO ONE SHOULD DIE BECAUSE OF TOBACCO”

The session concluded with President Emili Munshi summarizing the action points and emphasizing the need for continued efforts to safeguard youth health.

**Hashtags**: #MAX #SaveTheYouth #TobaccoMarshal #ICanCare #PawanGupta #Rotary #RotaryClubOfDelhiPreetVihar #EmiliMunshi #AmanRawat #RotaractClubSBSEC