गाजियाबाद। केआईईटी ग्रुप आफ इंस्टीट्यूशंस ने केआईईटी कैंपस में सभी शाखाओं के प्रॉक्टर, रेक्टर और एक प्रयास क्लब के छात्र सदस्यों के लिए तंबाकू मार्शल प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किया। इस सत्र को प्रख्यात वक्ताओं, डॉ. पवन गुप्ता (संस्थापक आईकैनकेयर, निदेशक सर्जिकल आॅन्कोलॉजी मैक्स वैशाली), डॉ. नीता कुमार (वैज्ञानिक ई आईसीएमआर), सोनल भाटिया (एसी सदस्य इनर व्हील डिस्ट्रिक्ट-310) द्वारा दिया गया। यह प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम डॉ. ए. गर्ग, निदेशक और डॉ. मनोज गोयल, संयुक्त निदेशक केआईईटी ग्रुप आॅफ इंस्टीट्यूशन के अटूट और गतिशील नेतृत्व में केआईईटी ग्रुप आॅफ इंस्टीट्यूशंस का प्रयास है। कार्यक्रम की शुरूआत डॉ. अनिल अहलावत, डीन एकेडमिक्स द्वारा इसी विषय पर प्रशिक्षण और जागरूकता कार्यक्रमों के महत्व पर स्वागत भाषण के साथ हुई। सत्र में तंबाकू के दुरुपयोग से संबंधित सभी पहलुओं को शामिल किया गया जिसमें हानिकारक धूम्रपान को रोकने हेतु, गैर-तंबाकू धूम्रपान उत्पादों जैसे हर्बल सिगरेट और हर्बल बीड़ी के बारे अवगत कराया गया और साथ ही इसे बंद करने के लिए सहायता के रूप में विपणन किया गया था। डॉ. पवन गुप्ता ने किशोरों के बीच ‘मादक द्रव्यों के सेवन’ पर विचार-विमर्श किया,वहीं दूसरी ओर डॉ. नीता कुमार ने कुछ परियोजनाओं का सुझाव दिया जिनका उपयोग तंबाकू के आदी व्यक्ति की मदद के लिए किया जा सकता है। मिनाक्सी अग्रवाल ने कैप और बैज वितरित किए और प्रतिभागियों को तंबाकू मार्शल के रूप में प्रेरित किया। कार्यक्रम का समापन डॉ. प्रवेश, प्रोफेसर ईसीई विभाग, अध्यक्ष, ‘एक प्रयास’ क्लब द्वारा सभी गणमान्य व्यक्तियों, प्रमुखों, संकाय सदस्यों और छात्रों को धन्यवाद ज्ञापन के साथ हुआ।
3rd ICanCaRe Academy Tutorial for Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialists
The third Tutorial for Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialists was conducted by Dr. Mariya Tambawala on 15th November 2022. 22 CTCS attended the same. The agenda was set as follows:
1) Discussion on what seed to implant in the mind of a person to start tobacco cessation – led by Dr. Mariya
2) Follow up on last month’s case Navy Officer – Dr. Simoni
3) Discussion on How to Manage Cough in patients – home-based remedies – Dr. Supriya Wadhwa
4) Case discussion of IIT aspirant – Dr. Pawan Gupta (postponed for the next time)
5) Homework for the next – Discuss another common problem which is CONSTIPATION
It was heartening to know when Dr. Simoni Shah a Psychologist and Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialist practicing in Mumbai said that her patient NAVY officer is completely off smoking for the.
Sowing a seed in the mind of a tobacco user, the discussion started by Dr. Mariya, saw some interesting inputs coming from all the participants. The relevant individualized advice is the most important. It had an interesting discussion for a tobacco user with stage IV cancer, and what to advise. To quit or not to quit. The discussion went into the quality and quantity of life of end-stage cancer patients and the type of intervention to advise them.
The commonest problem of a smoker – is cough. Dr. Supriya gave some homemade remedies and prepared ayurvedic treatment for this symptom. It was interesting to know so many remedies available from the kitchen. Dr. Pawan Gupta proposed that some of the selected preparation can be made available on the ICanCaRe pharmacy for Tobacco users.
Dr. Mariya proposed the vote of thanks and requested all the participants to submit their cases for future discussions.
All the participants thanked The trio – Mariya, Visuja, and Nikita for initialization the tutorials and Dr. Pawan Gupta for practical tips.
22 CTCS participated in the second Tutorial.
The next tutorial is scheduled for the 15th of every month, and we wish for enthusiastic participation from all CTCS across India. Please submit your cases for the same.
What some of the participants said:
Dr. Supriya Wadhwa from Ghaziabad –
Thanks, Pawan Sir for giving me this opportunity to speak on the topic of managing cough.
Although my presentation was made in the last 15 minutes so that was lacking in some points.
Hope I was able to address it properly.
Wud try to improve 🙏🏻
Thanks, Dr. Monalee from Mumbai-
It was very informative Dr. Supriya, our patients would definitely benefit from it. Thank you so much.
Was a great takeaway session today… Thanks to Dr. Mariya and Dr. Pawan Sir and everyone 🙂🙏🏻
Simoni Shah Psy Mumbai: A very insightful session. Thank you, everyone
Dr Supriya thanks for this useful information 👍
Dr. Rakesh of Sipher from Chandigarh: It was actually a very informative and motivating session. Thanks, Supriya for letting us know about the home remedies for cough
Participants of the 3rd ICanCaRe Academy Tutorial for Certified Tobacco cessation Specialists (CTCS)
In another first, KIET is now the first technical Institute in the Country to train and to have TOBACCO MARSHALs on the campus.
The management of the Institute recognizes the fact that tobacco is destroying the youth and their future, this issue has to be addressed and inculcated into the minds of all the youths joining technical Institutions from the beginning. For this purpose, the KIET group of Institutions has partnered with ICanCaRe to enforce a tobacco-free zone at KIET.
KIET now has many firsts when it comes to TOBACCO Control
First Tobacco MARSHAL of India – Dr. Pravesh Singh
First Institute to launch a Club specifically for tobacco control – EK PRAYASS club
First Institute under AKTU to initiate TOBACCO Sensitization during Induction program for the first year with VC as Chief Guest.
In the words of the Director, Dr. A. Garg – “Youths are the future of tomorrow, their health is of prime importance in the Country. Tobacco is the biggest killer of the present era, unknowingly students get into this vice. We at KIET wish to create awareness as part of the SAVE the youth campaign. With Tobacco MARSHAL on the campus, it is going to make a difference in society.”
Dr. Pawan Gupta founder of ICanCaRe “TOBACCO MARSHALs are a deterrent against tobacco use on the campus. Tobacco control is a program in the continuum, it has to be persistent efforts and not a once-a-year program.”
Mrs. Sonal Bhatia the women leader for SAVE the youth campaign – “TOBACCO MARSHALs are the influencers in society, they are the SAVIOURS. It is a prestige and a recognition of personal social responsibility.” Sonal Bhatia is an Association Council member of the World’s Largest Women’s Organization – INNER WHEEL Club. She says, “Women are the biggest sufferer due to tobacco – health, social, financial, sexual, and family life is destroyed due to tobacco use by spouses. Every woman should be a TOBACCO MARSHAL”.
Dr. Reena Kumar, Academic Director of ICanCaRe warned – “BE CAREFUL and FEARFUL of the tobacco users around you, BE SMART and DO NOT START, EMPOWER yourself as TOBACCO MARSHALs. SAVE yourself and save others. It is so much welcome to have tobacco MARSHAL at KIET and it will set an example for other Institutes of the University.”
Dr. Rakesh Gupta, President Sipher, talked about being careful for new gadgets like e-cigarettes which are enticing the youth. They are banned in India and severe punishments are in force under the PECA law.
Dr. Pawan Gupta suggested the following as mentioned in his book – “HOW TO MAKE A INSTITUTION TOBACCO FREE” and ICanCaRe as a complete solution provider for TOBACCO Control and Cessation-
TOBACCO MARSHALs on the campus
The book – Be SMART DO NOT START is made available to everyone
APP – ICanCaRe free download for all
Making ORAL CARE and TOBACCO knowledge hub available in the medical department, and an annual check-up made compulsory for each student and faculty.
A rolling trophy under the aegis of AKTU for all the technical colleges under the university.
ICanCaRe five-point pledge sums it all up for the present and the future:
Refuse to take tobacco
Refuse to be a friend of tobacco user
Refuse to marry a tobacco user
Refuse to employ a tobacco user
Refuse to work with a tobacco user
Honorable Vice-Chancellor of AKTU – Dr. Pradeep Kumar Mishra – was highly appreciative of the steps taken by the KIET group of Institutions to SAVE the youth. This is the right way for the betterment of self and society”. He lent his support to the cause and encouraged other Institutes also to go ahead with this program.
Prof. Dr. O.P.Singh, Dean of Student Welfare, thanked all the participants and speakers for the well-conducted scientific program.
The program was well organized by – Dr. Pravesh Singh, Chairman Ek PRAYASS, and her team.
Moderated by Arunita Mukhopadhya, and Sugandha Singh.