Oral Oncology Connect – Interaction with IMA- Hapur

ORAL ONCOLOGY CONNECT – Interaction with IMA- Hapur

Schedule: 18th February 2023 Time: 9:30 pm onwards

An interactive session with enthusiastic members of IMA – Hapur was conducted as #oraloncologyconnect CME at the Hotel Golden Tulip, Hapur

The program was arranged by Mr. Arun Bhargava and his team of MAX Patparganj Sales.

President Dr. N.M.Singh presided over the meeting with Secretary Dr. Vimlesh directing the session and Dr Hariom conducted the meeting. The Chief Guest for the occasion was Dr. Sunil Kumar, CMO of Hapur. . The program was conducted efficiently by Dr. Hariom, a Physician with a special interest in gastro-intestinal diseases.

The Interactive oral oncology connects sessions were attended by 56 doctors and moderated by Dr. Pawan Gupta M.Ch. Director HN MAX Hospital, Founder of ICanCaRe, and MASTER trainer convenor for Tobacco Courses.

The panel of Specialists from MAX consisted of Dr. Meenu Walia, Dr. Manoj Tayal, Dr. Satyam Taneja.

Experts from IMA – Hapur included Dr. Sanjeev Kumar ENT Surgeon, Dr. Shyam, General Surgeon, Dr. Praveen Kumar, Neurosurgeon, and Dr. Ankit Goel Dental Surgeon.

Dr. Meenu Walia Senior Director and Head of Clinical Oncology of MAX East Zone Introduced MAX  Facility and its vision for holistic care for cancer patients. This was followed by a presentation on the Radiation oncology facility and managing a Gynecological malignancy at MAX by our experienced Dr. Manoj Tayal Director of Radiation Oncology, Surgical expertise at MAX defining the patient outcome with team involvement by Dr. Satyam Taneja M.Ch., Director, Surgical Oncology, and Dr. Kanika Gupta Sr, Director Gynaecological Malignancy at MAX.

 The Oral Oncology Connect panel discussion saw some interesting cases being discussed with participation from the floor and experts and specialists giving their opinions.

The patient outcome is defined by teamwork, with the machines, facilities, and skilled and trained specialists at MAX. Special care is taken for patient outcomes with an emphasis on cosmetic, functional, and psychological rehabilitation. Scarless surgeries for head and neck cancers pioneered by Dr. Pawan Gupta and ably supported by the radiation department headed by Dr. Manoj Tayal have brought an enormous change in the way cancer is being treated nowadays. Technologies like Photodynamic therapy, Sentinel node in HNC, and new age radiation technologies like VMAT, IGRT, and IMRT. SRS, SBRT, and brachytherapy are all present under one roof at MAX Patparganj. Addition of the Truebeam linear accelerator with all the modern-day armamentariums of on-board in-room imaging including CBCT, MVCT, and Exact-trac systems, the scope of radiation treatment has greatly widened the scope of cancer care at MAX Patparganj. Quality assurance (QA) of radiation treatment remains the keystone which is strictly implemented with the present-day best practices using the best QA equipment. The team of Radiation Oncologists under the leadership of Dr. Manoj Tayal is well supported by a team of medical physicists, radiation therapy technologists (RTTs), and well-trained nurses.


There was special interest in knowing about tobacco-related cancers and how to control the same. especially in chewing tobacco which is so rampant in India. Dr. Pawan Gupta M.Ch. Director of Cancer Surgeons, MAX Hospital, Patparganj, and Vaishali, made them aware that quitting tobacco is possible and that one can quit tobacco with proper intervention by a Tobacco Cessation Specialist. TRISCaRe the innovative mouth opener device was also demonstrated. Dr. Pawan apprised that besides being a fine surgeon he is also the MASTER TRAINER of Tobacco Cessation courses run by Gujarat University and conducted by ICanCaRe.

The main emphasis was on involving the first echelon doctors for controlling the biggest killer cancer of India which is head and neck cancers and prevention with tobacco cessation and early detection by regular examination.

#MAX #oraloncologyconnect #icancare #icancareacademy #pawangupta #manojtayal #meenuwalia #tobaccomarshal


Defining a Dental Oncologist – Dr. Pawan Gupta at the 44th IDA UP Annual Conference 2022, Moradabad

Dr. Pawan Gupta delivering a lecture at IDA UP annual Conference “DEFINING A DENTAL ONCOLOGIST”

Dr. Pawan Gupta, Director of Surgical Oncology HN, MAX Institute of Cancer Care – EZ and Founder of ICanCaRe was invited as Keynote Speaker at the 44th Annual Conference of the UP Chapter of Indian Dental Association at Moradabad from 16-17th December 2022.


It is an honour to be invited to deliver a talk at an august gathering of Dental surgeons of Uttar Pradesh. There were young dentists looking for opportunities and experienced dental surgeons willing to collaborate.

Dr. Pawan emphasized the ever-increasing role of dental surgeons in the management of oral cancers which includes prevention, prophylaxis, diagnosis, treatment planning, rehabilitation, and pre-malignant lesion management.

A dental surgeon has to be an integral part of all oral cancer management protocols to improve the quality of life of these patients.

Besides dental and oral care is required for all patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Patients from other departments also require their patients to have oral care and management.

Dr. Pawan Gupta narrated the recent poster presentation at the IASO of the midterm conference about the MAX – ICanCaRe oral care and tobacco cessation center where the results of cessation and patient satisfaction were substantially higher, and also the outcome of the primary treatment improved for these patients. Such centers are a must for all sizeable multidiscipline hospitals and also for cancer centers.

TRISCaRe instrument was also demonstrated to the audience which was much appreciated and generated demand.

He emphasized that it is two-way learning between oncologists and dental surgeons.

It is time IDA and ICanCaRe collaborate for a better outcome and also job opportunities for the coming generations of dental surgeons.

#icancare #icancareacademy #ida #pawangupta #drpawanoncosurgeon

Dr. Pawan Gupta delivering a keynote Lecture at the IDA UP annual Conference “Defining a Dental Oncologist”
Dr. Pawan Gupta delivering a keynote Lecture at the IDA UP annual Conference “Defining a Dental Oncologist”
Dr. Pawan Gupta delivering a keynote Lecture at the IDA UP annual Conference “Defining a Dental Oncologist”
Dr. Pawan Gupta delivering a keynote Lecture at the IDA UP annual Conference “Defining a Dental Oncologist”

Oral Oncology Connect – CME with AOI ENT Surgeons, Meerut

Schedule: 25th August 2022 Time: 9:30 pm onwards

MAX Patparganj conducted a #oraloncologyconnect CME with ENT Surgeons of Meerut at the Hotel Crystal Palace, Meerut

The program was arranged by Mr. Navdeep and his team of MAX Patparganj Sales team who ably organized the meeting.

The Interactive sessions were attended by 13 doctors. The program was conducted efficiently by Dr. Harshita Pandey, Oral Care, and Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialist at MAX-ICanCaRe OC-TCC.

The panel of Specialists from MAX consisted of Dr. Meenu Walia, Dr. Manoj Tayal, Dr. Rashi Agrawal, Dr. Satyam Taneja, Dr. Arun K Verma, Dr. Deepak Arora, and Dr. Pawan Gupta.

President of ENT Surgeons, Meerut– Dr. S. S. Guglani presided over the meeting. Dr. Shubham Dadoo gave the vote of thanks.

Introduction about MAX its Facility and its vision was presented by Dr. Meenu Walia Senior Director and Head Clinical Oncology of MAX East Zone. This was followed by a presentation on the Radiation oncology facility at MAX by our experienced Dr. Manoj Tayal Director of Radiation Oncology, Surgical expertise at MAX defining the patient outcome with team involvement by Dr. Pawan Gupta M.Ch., Director, Surgical Oncology. The panel discussion saw some interesting cases being discussed among the present doctors.

The patient outcome is defined by teamwork, with the machines, facilities and skilled and trained specialists at MAX special care is being taken for patient outcomes with an emphasis on cosmetic, functional, and psychological rehabilitation. Scarless surgeries for head and neck cancers pioneered by Dr. Pawan Gupta and ably supported by the radiation department headed by Dr. Manoj Tayal have brought an enormous change in the way cancer is being treated nowadays. Technologies like Photodynamic therapy, Sentinel node in HNC, and new age radiation technologies like VMAT, IGRT, IMRT, SRS, SBRT, and brachytherapy are all present under one roof at MAX Patparganj. Addition of Truebeam linear accelerator with all the modern-day armamentariums of on-board in-room imaging including CBCT, MVCT, and Exact-trac systems, the scope of radiation treatment has greatly widened the scope of cancer care at MAX Patparganj. Quality assurance (QA) of radiation treatment remains the keystone which is strictly implemented with the present-day best practices using the best QA equipments. The team of Radiation Oncologists under the leadership of Dr. Manoj Tayal is well supported by a team of medical physicists, radiation therapy technologists (RTTs), and well-trained nurses.

There was special interest in knowing about tobacco-related cancers and how to control the same. especially in chewing tobacco which is so rampant in India. Dr. Pawan Gupta M.Ch. Director Cancer Surgeon, MAX Hospital, Patparganj, and Vaishali, made them aware that quitting tobacco is possible and that one can quit tobacco with proper intervention by a Tobacco Cessation Specialist. TRISCaRe the innovative mouth opener device was also demonstrated. Dr. Pawan apprised that besides being a fine surgeon he is also the MASTER TRAINER of Tobacco Cessation courses run by Gujarat University and conducted by ICanCaRe.

The main emphasis was on involving the first echelon doctors for controlling the biggest killer cancer of India which is head and neck cancers and prevention with tobacco cessation and early detection by regular examination.

#MAX #oraloncologyconnect #icancare #icancareacademy #pawangupta #manojtayal


Dr. Pawan Gupta at the CME with AOI (ENT SURGEONS) OF MEERUT 25th August 2022